How Do You Handle Arguments?

DonDo you ever get into some real knock down, take no prisoners arguments? That could be with your spouse, kids, friends, a stranger, or even at work. But, whomever the arguments are with, they are nasty.

Don Swift, of Don Swift and Associates, Wichita Falls, Texas can help you. We’ll discuss the two paths that can be taken when arguments occur.

How an Argument Starts

There is a standard build-up which occurs with the process leading to any argument. How you handle that process can determine the outcome. It can impact your relationship with your family or even whether or not you continue to have a job.

An argument can start from just a few short words. There could be bullying or harsh words between you and someone else. Your spouse may not agree with what you say or want to do. Your kids may not agree with your rules. Someone may attack you with road rage. Someone at work may act like a real jerk to you. In any of these situations, just a few cross words may start an argument.

The Two Paths to Take

There are two paths you can take to resolve arguments. Both of them lead to Don Swift, CEO of Don Swift and Associates, Wichita Falls, Texas. Don has many years of experience in family mediation and workplace mediation. He is the “referee“, guiding people in proper ways to handle arguments.

The First Path

The first path is typical. Something negative said to you may be just a few words, or it could be an angry outburst. You feel the hair on the back of your neck rise. The anger builds up in the pit of your stomach. You attack.

At first, it’s a short outburst, the start of a heated attack. Then your opponent strikes even harder, which drives you to distraction. You ratchet-up the argument. This continues until there is all-out war. Both parties yell at each other and possibly continue into a physical attack.

I remember a friend who was hot-headed. He and I were out in his yard while he was raking leaves. His wife came outside and said something that wasn’t very nice, and he wound up and fired right back at her. The argument ratcheted-up to the point my friend took the rake and threw it at his wife.

My friend is no longer married to that woman. Realizing his mistake, he went to Don Swift of Don Swift and Associates, Wichita Falls, for help. It didn’t help him in his past marriage, but Don set him on the right path in his second marriage.

The Second Path

The second path, and the one that may be the hardest to achieve, is take a breath. Breathe slowly. Think about what you are going to say and how you’ll say it. Concentrate on not being judgmental or raising your voice.

You would never think, I hope, of yelling at your boss. Why would it be all right to yell at anyone else? You don’t yell at your boss because there could be severe consequences. If you yell at your family or spouse, you usually don’t think of the consequences until it’s too late.

Today more than 50 percent of marriages in North America end up in divorce. One of the major reasons is “irreconcilable differences.” In other words, there are some issues not worked out between the two of you. That’s where Don Swift of Don Swift and Associates employs his excellent mediation skills.

Many will ask, how can you handle an argument without being judgmental or raising your voice?

The simple answer is you can if you want to. You might find it helpful to have a chat with Don Swift of Don Swift and Associates on ways to settle arguments. Don has many years of experience working with couples and in workplace situations. He mediates to help sort issues before they become destructive arguments.

How Do You Handle Arguments?

Think about how you handle arguments. Do you get into some real knock down, take no prisoners, nasty arguments?

Or do you handle arguments as disagreements? You work through them by taking a breath. Breathe slowly, think about what you are going to say and how you will say it. Do it without being judgmental or raising your voice.

If you take no prisoners in the way you handle arguments, you need to talk to Don Swift of Don Swift and Associates, Wichita Falls, Texas. Don can help with mediation and can provide some sage ideas on how to handle arguments.


Arguments can be pretty nasty. They can have a significantly negative impact on relationships in the home, at work, and just about anywhere. Think of road rage and what can happen there. Road rage can end up not only in fisticuffs but in gun battles. What about my friend who threw the rake at his wife? Did that do him any good?

There is a way to address disagreements that lead to arguments. There is no point in saying, “Don’t get into an argument.” For many it’s second nature. The method in which you handle conflicts can define who you are, your friends, and whether or not you’ll keep your job.

Don Swift of Don Swift and Associates, Wichita Falls, Texas, has years of experience with mediating arguments. He helps people use a resolution process with constructive dialogue.

Arguments never have to escalate to throwing objects, taking a swing at someone, or being shot at on the road. We all have a responsibility to work through issues in a manner of respect. Don Swift of Don Swift and Associates, Wichita Falls, Texas, can guide you. Don has years of experience with mediation in the workplace and within family environments. Call on Don Swift to help you deal with your disputes before they reach the stage of taking no prisoners. You’ll be glad you did.